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New Work: a community-based generative art editor


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I recently wrapped up V1 of a new project: an app that enables people to create generative art without having to write code. This new experience allows for exploring generative art possibilities within the Hashes community and is a solid first step within a larger initiative to create a platform for generative artists and their fans.

In this alpha version, collectors can:

  • Explore generative art that results from stacking various p5.js scripts (known as "Traits")
  • Save the renderings to update their Hash NFT's metadata
  • Generate and mint a new Hash NFT
  • Save their stack of Traits as a "project" with a link to share it with others

Take it for a spin, fork it on Github, or keep reading to learn more about how things work under the hood.

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How it Works

Before creating a design, you need a Hash. Hashes are a 256-bit number formatted as a 64 character hex string. Hashes are generated from the combination of a user's connected wallet address, chain network, and a random phrase they submit. Hashes are sourced in-app via Hash NFTs from a user's connected wallet, though users may also generate new hashes on the fly to experiment before minting. As each Hash will be unique, it becomes the "seed" to "generate" new artworks.

The next essential ingredient is a Trait. Traits are p5.js scripts that share the same general format, allowing them to be combined. As you combine Traits together, the output of one Trait will become the input for the next one.

To understand the general Trait format, let's check out this example:

function circleTrait(p5, lib, hash) {
	const size = 10 + lib.leading0s(hash) * 10;
	return function(inputFn) {
		return (outputFn) => {

The arguments passed into circleTrait above include p5, lib, and hash:

  • p5 - an instance of the p5.js library
  • lib - a local util library which contains functions that convert a hash to various numeric values
  • hash - the hexidecimal hash being passed to this trait

Here, circleTraitreturns a function which then returns another function. The location of the call-site inputFn(outputFn) is above the actual p5j.s drawing call-site. When this trait is composed with others, it will render a circle with a size determined by the hash passed into it.

There are various Traits in our (still unnamed!) app and each fit into one of four categories:

  • Drawers - enable shapes and graphical elements to be drawn on the canvas
  • Pre-processors - modify the canvas before drawing (ex: setting background colors)
  • Repeaters - repeat a given set of Traits a specified way
  • Post-processors - add the final canvas modifications after all other Traits have been added

For a deeper dive into Trait types, see Jason Hall's (project lead) excellent series of write-ups on the project, written for both generative artists and collectors.


As always, you can always hop in the HashesDAO Discord to see the latest product updates.

Finally, a huge thank you is in order to CookedCooki who helped with V1 direction along with Binmaker, and Jason Hall who were the primary creators of this project and co-authored this piece. Thank you!